3 Steps to Enhance Employee Transport Efficiency With A Smart ETS

For many employees, the workday doesn’t begin at the office door but on the congested roads during rush hour. This daily grind of navigating the traffic can lead to frustration, delay, and overall dissatisfaction with the work experience. Beyond employees, it also impacts the company’s productivity.

That’s why smart businesses have shifted to Employee Transport Management Systems (ETS) to streamline these operations and improve the daily commute of their workers.

While having an employee transport management system is essential, using it efficiently is even more important. Here are three proven steps to enhance employee transport efficiency with a smart ETS.

What is a Smart ETS and How Can It Help?

An Employee Transport System (ETS) is a comprehensive solution designed to manage the transportation of employees to and from their workplace efficiently. The system allows administrators to seamlessly manage transportation schedules, routes, and fleet usage. It automates tedious processes to make it a ‘smooth ride’ for employees as well as transport managers, with user-friendly apps for employees and drivers, and a comprehensive dashboard for fleet managers.

A Smart ETS enhances this entire experience by incorporating advanced technologies like GPS, AI & machine learning, data analytics to automate, streamline and optimize the entire employee transportation process.

The components of an employee transport automation system include the following:

  • Data-Driven Route Planning: The system analyzes traffic patterns, employee locations, shift timings and many other factors to create the most efficient routes, reducing commute times and field consumption.
  • Employee Satisfaction: Shorter, safer, hassle-free commutes enhance employee well-being and job satisfaction, helping to reduce turnover rates. Advanced employee safety features ensure their safety at all times and prevent mishaps during late hours, especially for women employees.
  • Automated Roster Planning: Multi-maps based roster planning that takes into account employee schedules, pick-up/drop-off locations, escort optimisation etc for efficient rostering.
  • Vendor Allocation & Driver Shift Management: A smart ETS automates the tedious process of vendor-ratio based route/vehicle allocation, as well as seamless driver shift management for enhanced efficiency and safety.
  • Cost Efficiency: Optimized routes and better fleet utilisation leads to lower fuel consumption and operational costs, offering significant savings for the company.
  • Environmental Impact: Efficient routing decreases the carbon footprint of employee transportation, supporting corporate sustainability goals.

A Smart ETS addresses logistical challenges and supports broader business objectives by fostering a more satisfied and productive workforce.

3 Steps to Implement Employee Transport System for Improved Efficiency

Here are the steps organizations can use to maximize efficiency with the help of a smart ETS.

Step 1: Gather Insights: Data Collection and Analysis

The implementation should begin by gathering comprehensive data on how your employees commute. This includes:

  • Surveys: Conduct surveys to understand employee commuting habits, preferences, and pain points.
  • GPS Tracking: With employee consent, use anonymized GPS data to map out common routes and identify traffic bottlenecks.
  • Safety Concerns: Since safe and hassle-free commute is an essential prerequisite, make sure you understand employee concerns about this clearly.

By understanding where employees live, their typical routes, and the challenges they face, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions

Step 2: Optimize Operations: Intelligent Route and Roster Planning

With comprehensive data in hand, the next step is to optimize routes and schedules. A Smart ETS utilizes algorithms to create the most efficient transportation plans. With these advanced systems, organizations can adjust routes in real-time based on traffic conditions, accidents, and road closures.

Create rosters that minimize waiting times and ensure punctual arrivals and departures. Integrate with ride-sharing services to facilitate carpools and reduce the number of trips needed

This benefits the organization in multiple ways, such as employees spending less time on the road, leading to higher productivity and morale. The company can save money by adjusting the routes, ensuring smooth operations.

Step 3: Foster Engagement: Clear Communication and Continuous Feedback

Clear and consistent communication is essential for a smart ETS to be efficient. Your employees must understand how the system works and how it can benefit them. Ensure proper training about using the ETS employee App effectively for single-click cab requests, ride sharing and in-built safety features. Clearly explain the benefits of the smart ETS and how it can improve their commute.

Lastly, encourage the employees to share their experiences and suggestions to continuously improve the system.

A Smoother Commute Ensures a Happier Workforce

Implementing a smart ETS can streamline how you manage employee commute, leading to lower operational costs and increased productivity. Make sure to invest in the right Employee Transport System, such as Asti Infotech’s AFM, that’s easy to implement and works well with your existing systems. For more details about our employee management system, contact us today.


What is an Employee Transport System (ETS)?

An Employee Transport System (ETS) is a comprehensive solution designed to manage the transportation of employees to and from their workplace efficiently. It includes features such as route planning, roster management, safety measures, and fleet management to ensure a smooth and reliable commute for employees.

How does a Smart ETS enhance employee transportation?

A Smart ETS enhances employee transportation by incorporating advanced technologies like GPS, AI, machine learning, and data analytics. These technologies automate, streamline, and optimize the transportation process, resulting in efficient route planning, reduced commute times, enhanced safety, and cost savings.

What are the key benefits of using a Smart ETS?

The key benefits of using a Smart ETS include:

  • Data-Driven Route Planning: Efficient routes reduce commute times and fuel consumption.
  • Employee Satisfaction: Shorter, safer commutes improve employee well-being and job satisfaction.
  • Automated Roster Planning: Efficient rostering based on employee schedules and locations.
  • Vendor Allocation & Driver Shift Management: Automated route and vehicle allocation, and seamless driver shift management.
  • Cost Efficiency: Optimized routes and better fleet utilization lower operational costs.
  • Environmental Impact: Reduced carbon footprint supports corporate sustainability goals.

How can organizations gather data to implement a Smart ETS?

Organizations can gather data for implementing a Smart ETS through:

  • Surveys: Understanding employee commuting habits, preferences, and pain points.
  • GPS Tracking: Mapping common routes and identifying traffic bottlenecks with anonymized GPS data.
  • Safety Concerns: Identifying employee concerns about commute safety to address them effectively.

How important is employee engagement and feedback in the success of a Smart ETS?

Employee engagement and feedback are crucial for the success of a Smart ETS. Clear communication about how the system works, training on using the ETS app, and explaining the benefits are essential. Encouraging employees to share their experiences and suggestions helps in continuously improving the system, ensuring it meets their needs effectively.

Quick Read: AFM – Empowering Transport Vendors For Efficient Employee Transportation Management Services

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