Ensuring Safety & Security: Role of Admin Portal and Driver’s App in Employee Transport

Safety and security are at the forefront of any organization’s concerns, especially when it comes to employee transport. Managing a large team and taking care of their daily commute isn’t easy.

Plus, the traffic, road blockage, and other hiccups not only make the journey tiring for your employees but also hampers their productivity.

But with an Employee Transport Automation solution, you can curb these issues. While such a tool comes with a broad list of features, in this blog, we are going to focus on how the admin portal and driver’s app help set up new benchmarks in ensuring safety and security in employee transport.

Keep reading for complete details.

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Understanding Employee Transport Automation: How Does It Ensure Seamless Commuting Experience?

An ETS solution is an advanced software that helps companies manage and organize the daily shuttle of their employees. It’s like a digital conductor for the organization’s transport system.

This SaaS-based platform offers end-to-end solutions to everyday commutes and does away with the hassles and unreliability of public transportation.

Moreover, companies can schedule, manage routes & rostering, and track employee vehicles in real-time so they are updated about each and every move of their team.

With this tool, employers or fleet managers can figure out the quickest and most efficient routes for all vehicles considering traffic patterns, road conditions, employee pick-up locations, etc. It ensures everyone reaches work on time without getting exhausted by the inconvenience of public transport.

The tool comes with a comprehensive admin portal. It is similar to a control room where the fleet managers can monitor the entire fleet’s movements. The portal keeps you updated regarding the whereabouts of all the vehicles: whether it’s moving, parked, idle, or stuck in bad traffic.

Just one look at the dashboard, and you’ll find out why a certain bus or cab may not have reached its location.

The ETS automation tool also has a separate driver’s app to further enhance the safety of the employees and the drivers. It helps drivers navigate through your city, take employee attendance, update trip details, and also get local language support.

All these combined, companies can not only provide a safer office commute but also reduce fuel expenses and vehicle maintenance costs as well as keep their team happy.

7 Ways How the Admin Portal & Driver’s App Benefits in Automating Employee Transport

Let’s have a detailed look at how these two features: the admin portal and the driver’s app, make employee transportation smoother:

7 Ways How the Admin Portal Drivers App Benefits in Automating Employee Transport 1

Route Optimization

The admin portal helps plan the most efficient routes, saving time and fuel costs for the company. Through the guidance of the software, drivers can commute through the shortest possible routes avoiding congestion, road blockage, and other inconveniences.

The driver’s app, on the other hand, guides them along these routes, helping them navigate unfamiliar paths with ease with the support of local languages.

Live Location Tracking

As stated before, employers can stay updated with the real-time location of the entire shuttle. They can predict the estimated arrival time of the employees and also can get quick updates in case of any emergencies. The admin portal gives a bird’s eye view of all the vehicles plying at a given time, along with details of drivers, transport vendors’ routes, and actual kilometers traveled per trip.

Improved Safety

The transport automation tool makes sure that employees get picked up and dropped off on time and at their designated locations. Here again, the admin portal helps administrators stay updated while their team is traveling.

They can also monitor driver behavior and take immediate action in case of overspeeding, rash driving, breaking traffic rules, harsh braking, etc.

Roster & Schedule Management

The admin portal helps you efficiently manage the schedules of multiple vehicles and employees so that everyone reaches the office on time. The admin portal allows transport managers to create multi-maps-based rosters and also easily manage vendor-based vehicle allocation.

Additionally, the driver’s app keeps drivers updated about the same, reducing the chances of miscommunication.

Reduced Manual Operations

The automation provided by the admin dashboard, along with the driver and employee app, eliminates the need for manual operations. You no longer have to take the headache of organizing transportation and letting drivers and employees know about the same and similar tasks.

The ETS solution takes care of everything, leaving zero chances of error.

Emergency Management

Such systems provide immediate access to critical information during emergencies like vehicle location, and passenger and driver details. By taking advantage of the information, administrators can take quick action and send immediate aid. It also shows escort requirements for trips, and alerts admins of any SOS/panic alarm situations so that they can take quick action.

Data-driven Decisions

Lastly, the analytics and reporting feature of this comprehensive dashboard provides valuable insights such as average commute time, fuel consumption cost, distance covered, etc. Such in-depth information enables you to identify problematic areas, plan better, and find scopes of development for ensuring a safer, smarter commute for employees.

What is the primary role of the admin portal in an Employee Transport Automation system?

The admin portal serves as the control center for managing and monitoring the entire fleet of vehicles. It allows fleet managers to track vehicle movements in real time, ensuring the safety and security of employees during their commute.

How does the admin portal enhance safety and security in employee transport?

The admin portal provides real-time updates on the whereabouts of all vehicles, allowing fleet managers to identify and address any issues promptly. Whether a vehicle is moving, parked, idle, or stuck in traffic, the portal offers insights to ensure a smooth and secure commute.

What functions does the driver’s app perform in the context of employee transport automation?

The driver’s app plays a crucial role in enhancing safety. It enables drivers to navigate routes efficiently, take employee attendance, update trip details, and access local language support. These features ensure a more secure and streamlined commuting experience.

How does an Employee Transport Automation solution benefit companies beyond ensuring safety?

Beyond safety, such a solution helps companies reduce fuel expenses and vehicle maintenance costs. It also enhances employee satisfaction by providing a comfortable and reliable office commute, ultimately boosting productivity.

How can Employee Transport Automation improve the overall commuting experience for employees?

Employee Transport Automation optimizes routes, considers traffic patterns and road conditions, and ensures that employees reach work on time without the inconveniences of public transportation. This not only enhances safety but also provides a more pleasant and stress-free commuting experience for employees.

Simplify Office Commute & Maximize Productivity With AFM’s Admin Portal & Driver’s App

In this bustling world of modern businesses, manually managing the daily commute of employees can be a daunting task. Therefore, relying on an automated solution like AFM is the right way to approach this tedious task.

AFM makes managing routes, schedules, and employee details as easy as a few clicks. It acts as the central control room, giving you access to all employee commute-related information at your fingertips.

Overall, you get a drastically simplified fleet commute process, reduce fuel wastage and carbon footprint, as well as keep your employees satisfied. If you want to drive towards a productive and environment-friendly commuting solution, book a free demo with us today!

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