Technological Advancements on School Bus Transportation

For the past few years, technology advancements have constantly influenced School transportation system. IT companies are considering it as a golden opportunity to prove the capability of modern technology in solving security issues of the school bus transportation system. Indeed, their effort is reflected in the modern school bus transportation, which combines global positioning system and radio frequency identification.
The access to customized GPS school bus tracking system has brought several cutting edge advancements in the traditional school transportation system.
In today’s time GPS enabled school buses are the most reliable modes of student commute. GPS tracking solution installed in school buses enables school bus tracking, route planning and student attendance tracking.
Let’s have a look at how technology has changed the school bus transportation system:
- No more waiting at the bus stop: The implementation of GPS tracking technology in the school bus transportation system has given relief to the parents, who are tired of the long hours of wait at the bus stop. Now parents will get notified about the arrival and departure of the bus before time. As parents are notified about the exact time of arrival, they can pick up their kids at the right time; no extra stress regarding kid’s safety. This not only eliminates the waiting time at the bus stop, but also improves the security of the child.
- Real-time tracking of school bus: The GPS tracking solution enables you to view the real-time movement of school buses on the live map. Live monitoring of the school bus will ensure a safe commute, prevent over-speeding, eliminate procrastination and route deviation.
- Route planning is done within minutes: As we know the school bus transportation system is quite comprehensive. With the use of the School bus tracking system, the tedious route planning can be completed in a very short span of time. It can automate route creation along with defining the stoppages. It ensures the shortest route having minimum number of diversions which makes it perfect for a safe commute.
- Easy to keep track of students boarding/de-boarding the School bus: The installation of RFID-enabled system in school bus transportation enables the school bus attendance tracking, with which it becomes possible to track students boarding/de-boarding the bus. It not only helps in maintaining safe commute, but can also be helpful in tracking the students in case they de-board at the wrong stop.
- Safe and environment-friendly transportation system: GPS-enabled school bus provides you a safe and environment-friendly school bus transportation system. Real-time tracking of school bus helps in optimizing the school bus route thereby reducing fuel consumption. It alerts the school admin on excessive idling of the school bus, which helps control the wastage of fuel. Less fuel burning also lowers the carbon dioxide discharge making it an environment-friendly solution. The GPS tracking software ensures the school bus safety by sending notifications for over-speeding, route deviation, traffic conditions, etc.