8 Critical Challenges of Logistics & Supply Chain Industry

With modernization, people have become more demanding & personalization has become a trend & need to survive in the market. The industries today focus more on customer satisfaction rather than just making profits. Logistics & supply chain industry is not an exception. Planning a good strategy for business success comes from the experience & analysis of the data. Scrutinizing enormous data can be a challenging & time-consuming task.

The critical challenges of the Logistics & Supply Chain Industry need a smart solution to simplify the day-to-day functions & resolve the unpredictable business scenarios. Implementation of business intelligence tools in the process is a simple solution to all the

Transparency in Fleet Operations Scalability of any business depends on the transparency in the operations. Without knowing the accurate location of the vehicles, the transport manager will have to do a lot of guesswork which can be harmful for the delivery commitments.

Long routine manual operations A fleet manager is indulged in manual paperwork to align the fleet operations like allotting a vehicle for a trip & estimate its reach & delivery time. A lot of time is consumed every day planning the routes & mapping the vehicles & drivers for a trip.

Long routine manual operations A fleet manager is indulged in manual paperwork to align the fleet operations like allotting a vehicle for a trip & estimate its reach & delivery time. A lot of time is consumed every day planning the routes & mapping the vehicles & drivers for a trip.

Increasing fleet operational costs Factors like harsh driving, increased vehicle idling time, fuel theft, poor vehicle maintenance can shoot the fleet operational costs. Growing fuel costs & wages contribute to inflation of transportation costs.

Untimely delivery to customers Without the ETA, the customer is waiting for ever for the consignment which can affect the business relationship.

Unpredictable vehicle breakdowns With the lack of vehicle wellness information & delay in vehicle services the fleet managers are sure to face the unplanned downtime of the vehicles which can affect the overall fleet operations & hence the ROI.

Vehicle & Driver Compliance checks With government imposing a lot of road regulations, the fleet managers are under an unseen pressure to keep a track on all the vehicle & driver related compliances that vary from city to city & state to state.

Driver Behaviour Management Modelling & recognizing the driver behaviour on fleet is a crucial challenge for fleet managers as the delusional analysis can lead to wrong predictions. Long halts, harsh braking & driving patterns, increased idling time or taking unplanned routes cannot be foreseen.

Manpower Management Utilisation of human resources & alignment of drivers & trips can be a robust process for the fleet managers to meet the delivery deadlines. Task assignments & monitoring can become a tremendous challenge & hence time-consuming.

Implementation of an effective technology can be the game changer!

Investing in a vehicle tracking & monitoring solution can be an extremely useful for a Logistics & Supply Chain Industry to overcome all the fleet challenges. GPS based vehicle tracking & monitoring solution eases the fleet operations and bring 100% transparency.

With an explosion in the technology, the entire fleet management process is automated that cuts down the fleet operational costs, eliminate the unwanted breakdowns & optimize the entire business process. The tedious task of managing the huge data manually is now just a few clicks away with the efficient fleet management solution.

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